Gemfinder – London


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Additional Filters

Air Quality
🍃 - good
🍃🍃🍃 - very good

🍃 🍃🍃 🍃🍃🍃

👮 - low
👮👮👮 - very low

👮 👮👮 👮👮👮

Grocery Stores within 1mi
🛒 - 1 store
🛒 🛒 - 2 stores
🛒 🛒 🛒 - 3 or more stores

🛒 🛒🛒 🛒🛒🛒

Parks within 1mi
🏞️ - 1 park
🏞️🏞️ - 2 parks
🏞️🏞️🏞️ - 3 or more parks

🏞️ 🏞️🏞️ 🏞️🏞️🏞️

Schools within 1mi
🎓 - 1 outstanding school
🎓🎓 - 2 outstanding schools
🎓🎓🎓 - 3 or more

🎓 🎓🎓 🎓🎓🎓

✊ - 10% non-white
✊✊ - 20%+ non-white
✊✊✊ - 25%+ non-white

✊✊ ✊✊✊

Additional Filters


Air Quality
🍃 - good
🍃🍃🍃 - very good


👮 - low
👮👮👮 - very low


Grocery Stores within 1mi
🛒 - 1 store
🛒 🛒 - 2 stores
🛒 🛒 🛒 - 3 or more stores


Parks within 1mi
🏞️ - 1 park
🏞️🏞️ - 2 parks
🏞️🏞️🏞️ - 3 or more parks


Schools within 1mi
🎓 - 1 outstanding school
🎓🎓 - 2 outstanding schools
🎓🎓🎓 - 3 or more


✊ - 10% non-white
✊✊ - 20%+ non-white
✊✊✊ - 25%+ non-white

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